Mind/Body Healing Session

Amanda draws on over 30 years experience in mind/body therapies. Her individualized Mind-Body Healing sessions blend many years of training including Medical Intuitive, Craniosacral Therapy, Tibetan Acupressure, Chakra Therapy, Polarities Energy Balancing, and Touch for Health. Her well-honed skills and intuitive touch will help you unwind tension patterns in your body, while helping your mind and spirit deeply rest and reset.
Each session is unique towards
your personal goals and needs and may include:
Craniosacral Therapy – a gentle treatment of the cranium, spine, diaphragms to release fascia
restrictions that may have a restrictive effect on other system of the body.
Visceral Manipulation – An extension of craniosacral work that treats the movement and flow
of abdominal organs.
Tibetan Acupressure System - is an ancient system of reflexive pressure point healing, which
accesses the body’s natural corrective energies in order to bring balance to the body as a whole
Energy and Chakra Balancing -used to connect, open, and balance the chakra energies and
support a balanced flow
Mind/Body Healing session Investment
60 min session...$125
80 min Session..$155